2009年12月12日 星期六


8 It Pays to Advertise

1. 藉由研讀英文廣告標語,使學生了解其對商品的重要性與廣告標語本身設計的巧妙性。
2. 學習並活用本課單字、片語,並介紹不定代名詞Some.... Others.... Still others....及使役動詞have/make + O + OC (Vpp)的用法。
3. 教導學生如何用英文來說服或勸說(persuading)他人進行某事。
4. 鼓勵學生發揮想像力與創意,自創響亮的廣告標語。

本課前兩段藉著Nike 利用其廣告標語 "Just Do It" 打敗強勁對手Reebok ,並鞏固其在運動用品不敗地位的例子,說明廣告標語對產品的重要性。文中並列舉了其他有創意或具有說服力的廣告標語,像是炸雞廣告 "Finger lickin' good"、美容塑身廣告 "Trust me, you can make it!"、漢堡廣告 "Have it your way",一再顯示廣告中文字標語的重要性。最後作者藉由提問學生一個有關電話簿的廣告標語 "Let your fingers do the walking." 背後的涵義,來激盪學生的想像力與創意。
1. 本課的課前活動第一部分,教師可以先利用這六件學生日常生活中常接觸到的商品圖片,與相對的廣告標語做配對活動。
2. 第二部分則可由教師提問學生,在生活周遭是否有其他印象深刻的廣告標語。為了讓學生有更多思考的空間,標語可以不限英文。
3. 若是時間許可,教師可以事先分組,請同學在課前各找兩組中、英文標語。讓學生做完第一部分的活動後,再分組上臺分享他們所蒐集到的資料,並分析這些標語本身設計的巧妙性。

Connecting People
Obey Your Thirst

Keep Walking
(Johnnie Walker)
We Share.

SHIFT_the future

在1980年代 ,Nike運動用品公司面臨了一個問題。他們正和對手Reebok競爭,所以他們需要一個嶄新的廣告來吸引更多顧客。某天在會議中,他們廣告公司的一位員工正告訴Nike的經理們,他有多崇拜他們的公司。「你們這些Nike人,只管做就對了。」他說道。突然間,所有的經理和廣告公司職員停止談話並相互對望著。他們找到了那完美的廣告標語!
1. They were struggling against their
competitor, ...a new advertisement to attract more customers.
(1) struggle against/with 與…競爭
‧Tony and Jim were struggling against each other to be the winner in the race.
(2) to attract more customers為不定詞片語,用來表「目的」。
2. ...was telling the Nike managers how much
he admired their company.
在此句中,the Nike managers作為tell 的間接受詞,而how引導的名詞子句作為tell的直接受詞。
3. Suddenly, all the managers...looked at one another.
(1) suddenly = all of a sudden = all at once 突然地
(2) one another 用於指稱二者以上的人或事物的相互關係;each other 則用在二者之間的相互關係。例:
‧The class gave one another gifts on Christmas Eve.
‧After Jay moved to America, he and his girlfriend often talked to each other on the phone.
4. They had just found the perfect advertising slogan!
這裡用過去完成式表示當那位員工說出 "You Nike guys, you just do it."這句話的當下,大家也同時發現到這句完美的標語,之後大家突然停止說話並互相對看。過去完成式通常會和just, already, lately等副詞連用。例:
‧By eight o'clock, the student had already studied history for three hours.
他們的新標語──「做就對了」,幫助Nike成為一家大型國際公司,而且從那時起,他們就一直使用它。它是一個充滿決心與熱情,可以激勵人心的標語。它意味著任何人,不僅僅是專業運動員,皆可從事各式運動,並保持強健、活躍與健康。在使用這個標語達十二個月後,Nike 已經為他們的知名運動鞋增加了市場占有率。
1. ...make Nike a big international company, and they have used it ever since.
(1) make Nike a big international company
make + O + OC (Adj/N) 使…成為…
‧Technology makes our lives more convenient.
‧John's idea made the plan a successful one.
(2) ever since表「自從…以後就一直」。主要子句多使用完成式。例:
‧Henry has been sad ever since he broke up with his girlfriend.
2. It is an inspiring slogan full of....
→ It is an inspiring slogan which/that is full of....
此為由關係子句省略而來的形容詞片語,修飾先行詞an inspiring slogan。

好的廣告標語可以留存在人們的記憶達數十年。有一些廣告標語是有創意的,有一些是具有說服力的,還有一些是滑稽有趣的。有一個創意標語的例子,或許困擾著世界各地的英文老師,但這標語「●指回味」卻是個非常成功的案例。當然,它不是真的表示人們應該把他們的手指,放進他們的嘴巴裡。相反地,它使人們想起吃炸雞的美味。當然,"lickin'" 是 "licking" 這個字的縮寫。當有些字說得很快時,最後一個 "g" 的發音常常不是很清楚,就好比 "lovin'"這個字。
1. remain in one's memory表「停留在某人的記憶」。例:
‧The song has remained in my memory after hearing it for the first time.
2. Some are creative. Others are persuasive. Still others are funny.
3. "Finger lickin' good" 為代表肯德基的廣告標語。肯德基的創始者哈蘭‧桑德斯運用了十一種配料,研發出現今風靡全球的肯德基炸雞。桑德斯於美國南部的肯德基州設立了他的第一家炸雞店。
4. ...it reminds people of the good taste....
remind sb of sth 表示「使某人想起某事」。例:
‧This movie reminds him of his hometown.
remind 另可當「提醒」解。例:
‧My mother reminded me to bring an umbrella in case it would rain.
1. ...is by a beauty salon.
‧The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is a very famous and interesting novel.
2. Their ad says, "Trust me, you can make it!"
(1) 當說明廣告或招牌的內容時,通常用say或read來作其動詞。同樣地,諺語、故事或報導也可用這二個動詞。例:
‧The sign on the wall says, "No Smoking."
(2) "Trust me, you can make it!"是由美容機構媚登峰在1996年所帶動的廣告標語。此標語為當時的臺灣帶來一股美容瘦身的風潮,也為當時臺灣的美容機構帶來蓬勃的發展。此標語並分別獲得廣告流行金句獎第三、四屆的金獎,以及第五屆的永恆金句獎。
3. ...many women doubt [whether beauty treatments can...].
此句中,由 whether 引導的子句作為doubt 的受詞,且whether在此可用if取代。例:
‧Many people doubt if the plan will be a success.
4. ...they not only trust the beauty salon, but they also have more confidence [that they will be beautiful].
(1) not only...but also... 不但…而且…
‧Mr. Chou is not only a teacher but also a writer.
(2) confidence後的that子句為其同位語,用來說明confidence的內容。

…其他說服性的標語包括「隨你的意」,來自於一家速食餐廳的廣告。這個廣告將他們新鮮、為顧客量身訂做的漢堡,和其競爭對手預先做好的漢堡做比較。「隨你的意」是指你可以要求變化,像是多一些番茄切片或是少一些洋蔥切片,因為漢堡是專門為你製作的。另一則歷久彌堅的標語,則來自一家連鎖花商。標語為 「以花語傳遞」。人們送花有很多的理由,但不論訊息為何,這廣告表示花是一種理想的溝通方式。
5. "Have it your way"是漢堡王於1974年所開創的廣告標語。漢堡王當時甫推出新的餐點──華堡(Whopper),由於其配料豐富,因此提供顧客依個人喜好,要求漢堡配料變化的服務。此舉有別於大部分速食店追求標準、快速,卻難滿足顧客個人喜好不同的需求,也是當時同業中唯一提供此項服務的速食業者。
6. This ad compares their hamburgers [, which are...customer], with their competitors' [, which are...].
(1) compare A with B 比較A與B
‧I compared Mike's watch with mine, and I found they were similar.
(2) ...their hamburgers, which...
N, who/whom/which...,
本句which 引導非限定的關係子句修飾其先行詞their hamburgers 和their competitor's。詳細用法請參見第二冊第七課句型解析二。例:
‧Mr. Wang, who is talking with Amy, is a doctor.
(3) their competitors'為their competitors' hamburgers所省略而來的獨立所有格。
7. stand在此表示「經得起(困難、考驗等)」。例:
‧Shakespeare's plays have stood the test of time and are loved by many people today.
8. "Say it with flowers"為國際花商公司Interflora的廣告標語。有鑑於新鮮花材不耐長時間運程的缺點,該公司藉由遍部全球的分公司機制,並以標語鼓勵顧客,即使相隔千里同樣能以花作為傳遞感情的媒介。
9. People have flowers sent for many reasons, ...are an ideal way to communicate.
(1) have flowers sent為have + O + OC (Vpp)的句型,此詳細用法請參見本課句型解析二。
(2) to communicate 為不定詞片語當形容詞用,修飾前面的an ideal way。
1. pay vi. 值得,有利
‧It won't pay to sell this valuable ring passed from your dead mother.
2. "Let your fingers do the walking."
(1) 這是1964年加拿大的Yellow Pages公司為其電話簿黃頁廣告所設計的廣告標語。此標語強調黃頁廣告帶給人們的便利性,讓人們可以節省出門的時間,以手代步查詢店家號碼和店家聯絡,而不用親自走一趟。
(2) Let your fingers do....
let + O + V
‧ Don't let the dog come indoors.
(3) do the walking 是由動詞 walk 轉為動名詞後,以do作此抽象名詞的動詞。例:
‧My mom asked me to help her do the cooking.
3. Can you guess [what it's trying to say]?

Cultural Note 資料增補

隨著消費意識的高漲,廣告不僅對廠商來說是個重要的行銷管道,對消費者而言,也左右了購買的偏好及動機。面對現今林林總總的廣告,在1994 年,臺灣舉辦了第一屆的廣告流行金句獎。此獎項主要是針對廣告中的標語所設計的一個獎項。藉由此獎項的頒發,我們似乎也不難發現,好的標語為一個廣告所帶來的正面影響。

Post-reading Activities
III. Topics for Discussion

I think the slogan means that people can get the phone numbers or addresses they want by flipping through the telephone directory. With their fingers, they can find the phone numbers that they want and call instead of going to the stores in person.
I think simple and inspiring slogans make advertisements successful. "Just Do It" and "Impossible Is Nothing" are easy to remember and can inspire people to believe that they can do better if they go for it. In addition, creativity should be part of a good advertisement. Take "Let your fingers do the walking" for example. Instead of walking out, you can just flip through the telephone directory with your fingers and get what you want. Moreover, if the words in the advertisements are played wisely, they can remain in people's memories for a long time. For example, "We make other vegetables green with envy," is a good advertisement for potatoes. The Potato Board in America uses the phrase "green with envy" to express that other vegetables are very jealous of potatoes because of the flavor, nutrition and low calories of potatoes. Therefore, a good advertisement plays an important role in selling a product.

Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases
I. Words for Production
1. advertise
(1) vi. 登廣告
advertise for 登廣告徵求…
‧Our school is advertising for English teachers in the local newspaper.
(2) vt. 為…做廣告
advertise (sth) in a newspaper/on TV 在報紙/電視上廣告
‧The department store is advertising its summer sale on TV.
advertisement n. [C] 廣告(縮寫為ad)

put/place an advertisement 登廣告
a classified/full-page/job advertisement 分類/全版/職缺廣告
‧The company put an advertisement in the paper for new employees.
‧I am going to place a full-page advertisement for my missing dog.
advertisement包括很多種形式,舉凡出現在電視或廣播中的廣告(commercial),張貼在牆上的圖片海報(poster)、街上發的傳單(flyer)、信件中夾雜的垃圾郵件(junk mail),或印在書封底上的內容簡介(blurb),都是在ads的範圍之內。
advertising n. [U] 廣告
‧Joyce has a job in advertising as a creative editor.
2. employee n. [C] 受雇者
full-time/part-time employee 全職/兼職員工
junior/senior employee 資淺/資深員工

‧Full-time employees in this company are supposed to work eight hours a day.
‧Alice is a junior employee. She has worked in this company for only a month.
employ vt.
(1) 雇用
employ sb as sth 雇用某人為…
‧The boss employed Jim as an engineer.
(2) 運用(方法、技術、策略等)
‧We successfully employed the new device to produce electricity.
employer n. [C] 雇主

部分動詞後加"-er"表示動作的施加者,加"-ee"表示接受者,如本課的employ (雇用) 加上er成為雇主,加上ee成為受雇者。其他的例子有:
addresser (寄件者) & addressee (收信人)
interviewer (訪問者) & interviewee (受訪者)
employment n. [U] 職業,工作
in employment 在業,有工作
out of employment 失業
‧Among all the people in employment in
Taiwan, a lot of them are foreign laborers.
‧My brother has been out of employment for
two years. He is still looking for a job now.

3. admire vt. 欽佩,欣賞
admire sb for sth 欣賞某人某事
‧Louis is much admired for his hard work on his job.
admiration n. [U] 欽佩,欣賞
have/feel admiration for sb 對某人懷有欽佩之意
in/with admiration 敬佩地
‧Many people feel admiration for Master Cheng Yen.
‧The tourists looked at the paintings of Picasso in admiration.
admirable adj. 令人欽佩的,值得讚賞的
‧The activity is truly admirable for its careful design.
admirer n. [C] 愛慕者
‧Judy, the most beautiful girl in our school, has many secret admirers (暗戀者).
4. staff n. [C] (usu. sing.)全體職員
‧The staff in the shop is very helpful.
‧There are five hundred staff in this company.
6. passion n. [U] 熱情
with passion 熱情地
passion for... 對…熱愛
‧The two lovers kissed with passion.
‧The player's passion for baseball makes him an outstanding pitcher in his team.
passionate adj. 熱情的
‧Before leaving for Japan, Tim gave his girlfriend a passionate kiss.
7. fit
(1) adj. 健壯的,健康的
keep/stay fit 保持強健
‧To keep physically fit, people in the city like to exercise in the gym.
(2) adj.合適的(= suitable)
‧He is not fit for the job because he doesn't have any experience of it.
(3) vt. 合身
‧The dress exactly fits you; it seems to be designed for you.
(4) vi.適合,容得下
‧The gift is tiny enough to fit in the box.
8. active adj. 活躍的(相反詞:inactive)
be active in (doing) sth 積極參與(做)某事
‧People in this community are active in
community services.
9. increase (相反詞:decrease)
(1) vt. 使增加
‧The landlord will increase my rent next month.
(2) vi. 增加,增大
increase by 增加…(百分比)比率
increase with 隨著…增加
‧My salary from this month is going to increase by 20%.
‧The rate of having this disease increases with age.
(3) n. [C][U] 增加
increase in …方面增加
be on the increase = be increasing 增加中
‧With the increase in oil price, the living expenses also arise.
‧The number of drug addicts is on the increase.

10. remain為一不完全不及物動詞(連綴動詞),之後須接補語,使意思完整。
(1) vi. 留存,留下
‧The past happiness seems to remain in the old lady's memory forever.
(2) vi. 保持(…的狀態)
‧Please let the windows remain open. It's too hot inside.
12. persuasive adj. 有說服力的
‧The audience all agreed on the plan because of Mr. Brown's persuasive speech.
persuade vt. 說服
persuade sb to do sth 說服某人去做某事
persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth 說服/勸退某人做某事
‧Pablo finally was persuaded to take the job.
‧I must persuade Henry out of taking Jimmy's stupid idea.
persuasion n. [U] 說服,勸退
‧I didn't use much persuasion and my boss accepted my plan.
13. annoy vt. 惹惱,使生氣
‧It annoyed me to think how much time we had wasted on the plan.
annoyed adj. 感到生氣的(用來修飾人)
‧The teacher was annoyed by David's rude behavior.
annoying adj. 令人覺得生氣的(用來修飾事物)
‧It's annoying that my roommate often makes a lot of noise at midnight.
14. worldwide
(1) adv. 全世界地,在世界各地

all over/across/throughout the world, the world over
(2) adj. 遍及全世界的
‧The worldwide company has its branches all over the world.
16. naturally adv. 當然;自然地
‧I didn't dye my hair. It's naturally brown.
(1) adj. 自然的,天然的(相反詞:artificial)
die from natural causes (非意外造成的)自然死亡
natural resource/disaster 自然資源/災害
‧My grandfather died from natural causes.
‧Protecting natural resources is everyone's business.
(2) adj. 天生的,有天賦的
natural talent 天生的才能
natural-born 與生俱來的
‧The girl has a natural talent for music.
‧Jason is a natural-born singer; everyone admires his voice.
(1) n. [U] 大自然,自然界(= Nature)
‧When you live in the countryside, it's easy to find out the wonders of nature.

(2) [C][U] (人或動物的)天性,本性
‧Cindy has an easygoing nature and
everybody likes her.
‧Love and hatred are all human nature.

17. improve vt.; vi. 改善
‧The new technique that Mike taught me has helped me improve my English.
‧Because of hard work, her living condition is improving.
(1) n. [C][U] 改善,改進
make a improvement in 改善…
room for improvement …有改善的空間
‧Ally has made a great improvement in her math.
‧Your report is much better, but there is still room for improvement.
(2) n. [C] 已改進之處;被改進的事物
‧I think this model is an improvement over the last one.
18. appearance
(1) n. [C][U] 外表,外觀
judge sb/sth by one's/its appearance
‧Don't judge a person by his appearance.
(2) n. [C] (usu. sing.)出現;來到
‧Jerry's sudden appearance at the party
surprised every one.
(1) vi. 看來好像,似乎(= seem)
‧Frank appeared unhappy about the test result.
(2) vi. 出現,呈現
‧Jimmy didn't appear until the meeting was going to the end.
19. compare
(1) vt. 比較
compare A with/to B 比較A與B
compared with/to 與…相比
‧If you compare this cup with that one, you will find this one is more delicate.
‧Though your car is old, it is new compared with mine.  
(2) vt. 比喻
compare A to B 將A比喻為B
‧In this poem, light is compared to God.
comparison n. [U][C] 比較
in comparison with/to 和…比較起來
draw/make a comparison between... 作比較
beyond/without comparison 無與倫比的
‧In comparison with the black dress, the red one fits you better.
‧This article makes a comparison between Paris and New York.
‧Ariel is a lovely girl; her beauty is beyond comparison.
20. whatever
(1) pron. 無論什麼(= no matter what)
‧Whatever you do, I will be by your side.
→ No matter what you do, I will be by your side.
(2) pron. 任何…都(= anything that)
‧You can do whatever you want.
21. communicate
(1) vi. 交流(思想、感情、信息等)
communicate with... 和…交談/聯繫
‧Many teenagers often complain that they can't communicate with their parents well.
(2) vt. 把(思想、感情、信息等)傳達給…
communicate sth to sb 和某人溝通某事
‧Maybe you should communicate your ideas to your friends, or they will never understand.
communication n. [U] (思想、感情、信息等的)交流
communication skills 溝通技巧
means of communication 通訊工具
be in communication with... 與…有聯絡
‧I haven't been in communication with Joyce since we graduated from senior high school.

II. Words for Recognition
1. Nike n. 耐吉(運動用品牌名)
耐吉是一家美國體育用品商,主要生產運動鞋、運動服裝及體育相關用品等,其總部設於華盛頓郡。耐吉這個名稱,來自希臘神話的勝利女神Nike 。在希臘神話中,Nike不僅象徵戰爭的勝利,也特指在競技及體育領域上的成功,因此她被認為是帶來好運的神祇,經常作為藝術作品所表現的對象。在藝術作品中,她通常同化於其他的神,例如古希臘的雕塑家通常將她塑造為嬌小帶有翅膀的形象,棲停於另一個神的手臂,或是從同伴神的衣裳中探出,或者像仙女一樣高飛於天空。
3. Reebok n. 銳步(運動用品牌名)
銳步是一家英裔美商公司,主要生產體育相關用品。公司創建於1895年。原名為Mercury Sports,在1960年,改名為Reebok。公司在2006年,正式被愛迪達(Adidas)收購合併。
4. market share n. [U] 市場占有率
5. sneaker n. [C] (usu. pl.)運動鞋
‧My mother bought a pair of sneakers as my birthday present.
6. contraction n. [C] 縮寫形

doctor → Dr.; for example → e.g.。而contraction則是指以省略符號(')來縮短字詞,發音會有所改變。如:cannot → can't; does not → doesn't。
7. beauty salon n. [C] 美容院
11. telephone directory n. [C] 電話簿
(= phone book)
在一般的電話簿中,有分白頁(white pages)和黃頁(yellow pages)。其中白頁部分是刊載私人電話、地址等;而黃頁部分則是刊載公司或組織的電話、地址甚至服務品項的種類。

III. Idioms and Phrases
1. ever since 此後,從那時起一直
‧I haven't not heard anything about Annie ever since she left for Japan.
2. make it
(1) 取得成功
‧It's a good news that Adam finally made it. His experiment turns out to be a success.
(2) 趕上時間
‧I just made it in time for the meeting.
3. in advance 事先,預先
‧It's better to make preparations for the game in advance.
4. on the surface 表面上
‧Though on the surface, the question seems simple. In fact, it is very complicated.
5. make sense 有意義,合理
‧It makes great sense for the police to protect themselves when being attacked.
6. in reality 實際上,事實上
actually, in fact, as a matter of fact
‧Though John said he stayed home all day yesterday, in reality, he went to the movies.
Grammar in Use
1. Some.... Others.... Still others....
‧People in Taiwan have different religious beliefs. Some (people) believe in Buddhism. Others believe in Daoism. Still others are Christians.


(1) 教師可先利用下列表格讓學生熟悉「不定代名詞」的意義:




one (一個)
another (其他不特定一個)
some (一些)
others (其他不特定幾個)


the other (剩下特定一個)
the others (剩下特定全部)
以直列的單數看來,當全體只有三個時,第一個被數到的為one,另一個未特定指哪一個,所以用another (另一個),而剩下的最後一個,就是特定剩下的那一個,所以用the other。就如同第一冊第四課曾提及 "One.... Another.... The other...."的句型,中譯為「一…另一…還有一…」。當要介紹三個人或三件事物逐一舉例時,便可使用。例:
‧I have three pairs of sneakers. One (pair) is Nike. Another (pair) is Reebok. The other (pair) is New Balance.
(2) 另外,教師可以跟學生補充,當所指的眾多對象只歸類成三大組來說明時,就須使用下列的句型"Some.... Others.... The others...."。例:
‧The teacher divided the class into three groups. Some students were to clean the classroom. Others were to clean the toilets. The others were asked to clean the gym.

A. 利用句型"Some.... Others.... Still others...."回答下列問題。
1. What colors are the flowers in the basket? (red; blue; yellow)
→ ____________________________________
2. What are the students in the classroom doing? (sleeping; chatting; reading)
3. Where do the products in the shop come from? (from Japan; from America; from Europe)
4. What are those things on the table? (pens; books; pieces of paper)
5. Who sent you all these postcards? (from Joyce; from Eric; from Lily)

利用"Some.... Others.... Still others...."的句型和提示字完成下列段落。

Last night, my family went to Yung-kang Street (永康街). Interestingly, we saw many foreigners from different countries. 1____________________________________ (from Japan; from the U.S.; from Philippines) My father said it was because the stores on this street offered them many entertainments. 2____________________________________ (sell clothes; sell delicious food; sell beautiful gifts) Among all of these stores, we saw one shop selling shaved ice (刨冰). It was full of people. Therefore, we went there, too. Customers there could choose different toppings. 3____________________________________ (choose fruit; choose sauce; choose tapioca balls) All of my family chose differently and enjoyed it very much. Then, we went to a small park to take a walk. Amazingly, there were many dogs. 4____________________________________ (beagles; poodles; golden retrievers) Their masters were also there. 5____________________________________ (playing with their dogs; chatting; eating snacks) My father said many people walked their dogs and made friends with one another by the way. What an interesting experience!

one some another
others the other the others

1. __________ of my parents likes outdoor activities while __________ just enjoys reading at home.
2. There are ten students in the classroom. __________ is a girl and __________ are boys.
3. People have different tastes in movies. __________ like romance, and __________ enjoy sci-fi movies.
4. This morning, __________ of my classmates were late, but __________ all arrived at school on time.
5. Ten people took a vote on the proposal. __________ were for it. __________ were against it. And __________ had no opinions.
6. You can join various kinds of activities in the camp. __________ are for physical training. __________ are for intellectual training. __________ can help you improve your relationship with others.
1. Some are red. Others are blue. Still others are yellow.
2. Some are sleeping. Others are chatting. Still others are reading.
3. Some are from Japan. Others are from America. Still others are from Europe.
4. Some are pens. Others are books. Still others are pieces of paper.
5. Some were from Joyce. Others were from Eric. Still others were from Lily.
1. Some were from Japan. Others were from the U.S. Still others were from Philippines.
2. Some sold clothes. Others sold delicious food. Still others sold beautiful gifts.
3. Some chose fruit. Others chose sauce. Still others chose tapioca balls.
4. Some were beagles. Others were poodles. Still others were golden retrievers.
5. Some were playing with their dogs. Others were chatting. Still others were eating snacks.
1. One, the other 2. One, the others
3. Some, others 4. some, the others
5. Some, Others, the others
6. Some, Others, Still others

2. have/make + O + OC (Vpp)
‧If you happen to meet Simon, have him call me.
‧Do to others as you would have them do to you.
‧The sad news made everyone burst into tears.
‧My parents won't let me travel alone to New York City.
‧I will have my hair cut tomorrow.
‧Father will have our house painted this weekend.
‧My mother had the dishes washed last night.
‧I made my clothes washed this morning.
‧The speaker couldn't make himself heard above the noise.

A. 請根據語意,將括號內的動詞做適當的變化。
1. Nancy had her bike __________ (fix) by her brother.
2. My father went to the bank to make his checks __________ (cash).
3. My mom had my room __________ (clean) yesterday.
4. I had the package __________ (send) this afternoon.
5. His stupid behavior made himself __________ (be) laughed at.
B. 請根據語意,選出適當的答案。
( ) 1. My tooth hurt so much. The doctor suggested I have it out.
(A) pull (B) to pull
(C) pulled (D) pulling
( ) 2. After working day and night for two days, we had the work .
(A) do (B) to do (C) did (D) done
( ) 3. The policeman made the dogs the thief.
(A) catch (B) to catch
(C) catching (D) caught
( ) 4. He is not good at expressing himself, so he often can't make himself by his friends.
(A) understand (B) to understand
(C) understanding (D) understood
( ) 5. The woman had the lost child her cell phone to call his parents.
(A) use (B) to use
(C) using (D) used
( ) 6. The police had the missing child within a few hours.
(A) find (B) found
(C) finding (D) to find
( ) 7. Kevin had his wallet at the night market.
(A) steal (B) to steal
(C) stealing (D) stolen

( ) 8. Julia had her brother her dinner on his way home.
(A) bought (B) buy
(C) to buy (D) buying

1. fixed 2. cashed 3. cleaned
4. sent 5. been
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D
5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B

美國營銷界把人口劃分成三個主要世代,即二次大戰後至六○年代生育高峰的一代(Baby Boomer)、越戰到1979年的X一代(X-Generation)和新新人類或N一代(Neo-Generation)。這裡新新人類是指1980年之後出生的人,而我們的學生多屬這範疇。以下是針對Neo-Generation消費心理與因應出的廣告文化特性做一簡短分析。
A. 著重「自我」與「自立」,東西文化觀念差異越來越小
B. 當代廣告強調「創意」與「附加價值」

English Workshop
I. Useful Expressions of Persuasion (勸說)
1. 本單元提供學生表達勸說(persuasion)的常見英文用語。活動進行中,老師可提醒學生英語「勸說」(persuasion)的語氣比「建議」(advice, suggestion)來得更為強硬。但仍需保持禮貌的態度。
2. 課本範例為高二生要說服高一生加入熱舞社,因為貼切學生的校園生活,教師可先以本範例作為示範,並讓學生兩人一組練習角色扮演。
3. 若時間允許,可和同學分析對話模式,並以下面提供的二種常見情境,讓學生分組自創對話腳本,並進行口語練習。
Situation One
The class will take a trip to Danshui (淡水). Everyone in class will join the trip except for Linda. Now, the class leader James is persuading Linda to join them.

Situation Two
The school will hold an English conversation contest a month later. Vivian, who likes English very much, would like to persuade Jamie to join it with her. However, Jamie seems not so interested in this contest.

4. 如果時間許可,教師可補充下列接受或拒絕他人勸說的用語,提供給學生參考:
(1) 接受他人的勸說
‧Thanks for your suggestion. I love to.
‧Sounds great/nice/terrific.
‧What a great/terrific idea! I'd really love to.
‧Sure. That would be fun/interesting.
‧That's perfect! I'll be looking forward to it.
(2) 拒絕他人的勸說
‧Thank you/Thanks for asking, but I'm afraid I still can't go there with you/join it/buy it.
‧I'm sorry. I can't.
‧I wish I could, but I....
‧I hate to turn you down, but I must....
‧I appreciate the invitation, but I'm afraid I can't.

II. Creating a Slogan

1. 教師可以建議學生觀察自己所推薦的社團具備的特性來創造標語,並提供下列創作標語的原則予學生參考。
2. 除了課本的熱舞社和辯論社外,教師可以提供學生下面學校常見社團的英語名稱,讓學生個人或分組,事先在課前替自己參加過的社團創作一個響亮的廣告標語。也可要求學生融入自己創造的標語,為社團做一個簡短的英文介紹。
Names of Common Clubs
Comic Book Club
Calligraphy Club
Drawing Club
Guitar Club
Drama Club
Broadcasting Club
Journalism Club
Film Club
English Conversation Club
Japanese Club
Sign Language Club
Basketball Club
Tennis Club
Swimming Club
Taekwondo Club
Scout Association
Homepage Design Club

Astrology & Horoscope Club
Cookery Club
3. 如果還有時間,教師可進行下列建議的活動:
(1) The Ad of the Day (本日最佳廣告)
(2) Guessing Game (猜一猜)

一位推銷員正試著說服潔美購買一臺電子字典。(J =潔美,S =銷售員)
J: 我家裡已經有一本日文字典了,謝謝你。
S: 但不是電子字典,對吧?
J: 不是,但為什麼我需要一臺電子字典呢?
S: 嗯,首先,他們容易攜帶。這臺就可以放進妳的口袋。
J: 那很實用,但如果那麼小,它有充足的字彙量嗎?記住,我可是在大學唸日文,所以要學很多的字彙。
S: 它的字彙量夠多了。它儲存的字彙比任何一個「紙本」字典還多。
J: 好吧,但我通常都在家讀書,那麼擁有這一臺又有什麼意義?
S: 妳會唸妳從字典內查詢到的每一個單字嗎?
J: 不太會。我經常需要查閱無聊的發音指南。
S: 有了這一臺電子字典,妳可以查詢單字,然後一按按鈕,它就會唸這個單字,或是整個句子。妳聽…
J: 哇!這聽起來就像是真人發音。讓我試一下…
1. ...is trying to persuade Jamie to buy....
persuade sb to V 說服某人做…
‧You can't persuade me to buy this car because I have no money.
2. ...it's easy to carry.
sth be easy to V表示「某事很容易…」。但若表示「對某人來說,做某事很容易」,必須要用It is easy for sb to V....的句型。例:
‧It is easy for you to finish this work in a week.
3. ...if it's so small, does it have enough words?

4. ...I have a lot of vocabulary to learn.
這裡的不定詞to learn為形容詞的作用,修飾前面的受詞vocabulary。
5. more than enough相當於more than is needed ,表示「夠多了」。例:
‧I can't eat anymore. I have eaten more than enough.
6. ...what's the point of getting....
What's the point of V-ing...?表示「做某事的目的為何」。例:
‧Since you have made the decision, what's the point of asking my suggestion?
7. look up表示「查閱(字典)」。
‧After looking up the word in the dictionary, I know its meaning.
8. sound like + N 表示「聽起來像…」,後面須接名詞,若表示「聽起來…」,可用另一用法"sound + Adj"。例:
‧It sounds like a good idea.
→ The idea sounds good.

S: 妳現在覺得如何呀?
J: 這用起來既好玩又有趣。這臺多少錢?
9. What do you think of it now?
think of/about... 認為…
‧We think of Paul as a good leader.
‧I am thinking about moving to the countryside.

Listening Practice
A. Want a white, bright, shiny smile? It's yours if you brush with this every morning and night!
B. They smell so good and look so natural and beautiful. They make every room beautiful, and they're a perfect Valentine's Day gift!
C. It is sometimes called "plastic money." With this, you can pay your way when you travel around the world!
D. Don't know what something means? The answer is here. Just look it up!
E. With these, you can do and go! Jumping, jogging, or just walking, you're sure to stay comfortable.

I. Vocabulary
1. be popular with 受…歡迎
3. compare with 和…做比較;that指的是前面提過的the development of technology。
7. play an active role in 在…中扮演活躍的角色
8. let your parents know 為 "let + O + V"的用法。
10. be famous for 因…而有名

II. Idioms and Phrases
1. so that = so 表結果。
4. what 所引導的子句作為understand的受詞。
5. "appear to be Adj" 表示「看起來…」。

III. Multiple Choice
1. 本題為關係代名詞的非限定用法,代替先行詞New York City,故選(A)。
2. 當受詞為「被動接受動作者」時,用 "have + O + OC (Vpp)"之句型,故選(D)。
5. 本題為間接問句的觀念,wh-question所引導的間接問句,主詞與be動詞或助動詞維持直述句的字序,故選(D)。

IV. Sentence-making

A. 相關書籍
1. 靠一行字賣翻天,田村仁著。方智出版社出版,2006。
2. 廣告說服力,呂亦欣譯。韋伯文化出版,2005。
3. 做廣告不要忽視人性,周亦龍著。海鴿文化出版,2005。
4. 廣告標語之語言風格研究,張慧美著。高雄復文圖書出版社出版,2005。

B. 相關網站
1. http://www.brain.com.tw/
2. http://www.commarts.com/CA/
(Communication Arts)
3. http://www.canneslions.com/
4. http://tw-cf.com/
