2015年8月26日 星期三

Terror Strikes Mumbai

        Terrorists attacked many different places in the heart of Mumbai, India in a series of coordinated strikes that began on November 26, 2008. Hundreds of people were killed or held hostage at several locations throughout the city. The siege ended 3 days later when commandos stormed the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel and eliminated the last group of terrorists in a fierce battle.
Most of the violence occurred in the Taj hotel, a popular tourist destination. A total of ten terrorists also attacked several others places in Mumbai, including a Jewish center and the largest train station in the city. The Indian government reported that 173 people were killed in shootings and bombings, and 308 people were wounded.
Officials stated that the attackers arrived by boat and quickly spread throughout Mumbai. The violence appeared to be random and the attackers did not target foreigners, as earlier reported. Police killed nine of the ten suspects during the fighting. The lone survivor, a 21-year-old Pakistani man named Ajmal Amir Kasab, remains in police custody.
Questions instantly arose about the Indian government’s ability to handle the terror attacks. Officials received warnings in 2007 that terrorists planned to hit Mumbai from the water, but the security forces did not have enough equipment and weapons to prevent such a large attack.
Evidence indicated that some Pakistan-based Islamic groups may be responsible for the Mumbai attacks. After several weeks of the incident, the Pakistan government have arrested several members linked to the attacks. At the same time, Pakistan officials planned to work with India to take action to fight the terrorist activities.
Funerals and memorials have been held throughout India since the attacks, and Mumbai is struggling to regain its normal state.

Reading Comprehension
(   ) 1. When did the Mumbai terrorist attacks end?
(A) November 26, 2008.
(B) November 29, 2008
(C) November 23, 2008.
(D) It's not mentioned in the article.
(    ) 2. Based on the article, which of the following places was not attacked by the terrorists?
(A) A Jewish center.
(B) The Taj hotel.
(C) The largest train station in Mumbai.
(D) The Taj Mahal.
(   ) 3. Who was supposed to be the target of the Mumbai terrorist attacks?
(A) Foreigners traveling in Mumbai.
(B) No specific targets.
(C) The Indian government.
(D) A Pakistani man named Ajmal Amir Kasab.
(   ) 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
 (A) 308 people were killed in the Mumbai terrorist attacks.
 (B) The attackers entered Mumbai by sea and killed people at random.
 (C) It is believed that some Islamic groups in Pakistan were behind the Mumbai attacks.
 (D) The Mumbai terrorist attacks ended when the last group of terrorists was killed by the     Indian soldiers in a hotel.
(    ) 5. How did the Indian and the Pakistan government respond to the terrorist attacks?
 (A) The Indian government had received warnings earlier and was well-prepared for the 
                   terrorist attacks.
 (B) The Pakistan government had arrested a 21-year-old Pakistani man related to the attacks.
 (C) The Indian government had enough weapons to prevent any attacks.
 (D) The Pakistan government planned to work with India to fight against terrorists.

Vocabulary and Phrases
1. terrorist [`tEr1rIst] n. 恐怖份子
2.  Mumbai [&m5m`baI ; &m^m`baI] n.  孟買
3. India [`IndI1] n.  印度
    Indian [`IndI1n] adj.  印度(人)的
4. coordinated [ko`OrdN&etId] adj. 相互協調的
5. hostage [`hAstIdZ] n. 人質
6. siege  [sidZ] n. 圍困,包圍
7. commando [k1`m8ndo] n. 突擊隊員
8. Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel n. 泰姬瑪哈宮殿與塔樓飯店
9. eliminate  [I&lIm1net] v. 根除
10. fierce [fI1s] adj. 激烈的
11. destination [&dEst1`neS1n] n. 目的地
12. Jewish [`dZuIS] adj. 猶太人的
13. random [`r8nd1m] adj. 隨機的
14. suspect  [`s^spEkt] n. 嫌疑犯
15. survivor [s1`vaIv2] n.  生還者
16. Pakistan [&p8kI`st8n] n. 巴基斯坦
Pakistani [&p8kI`st8nI] adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的
17. custody [`k^st1dI] n.  拘留
18. warning  [`wOrnI9] n. 警告
19. evidence [`Ev1d1ns] n. [U] 證據
20. Islamic [Is`l8mIk] adj.  伊斯蘭教的,回教的
21. funeral [`fjun1r1l] n. 喪禮
22. memorial [m1`morI1l] n. 紀念活動;紀念碑
23. regain  [rI`Gen] v. 恢復




Pandas Arrive in Taiwan

      For most people, 2008 was a year of tough economic times and financial uncertainty. However, there was one bright spot for the people of Taiwan at the end of the year—the arrival of two pandas last December.
        The Taipei Zoo in Muzha is now the new home of Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan. These two bears left Chengdu, Sichuan, on December 23, and arrived in Taiwan the same day on a special three-hour, direct flight on EVA Airlines. After spending a month in quarantine, the pandas were expected to make their public debut on January 26, which is right at the start of the traditional Chinese New Year.
        Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan will certainly be living in style and comfort in Taiwan. With sponsorship from the Shin Kong Group, the Taipei Zoo was able to build the pandas a brand-new three-story facility, which was reported to have cost as much as NT$300 million to construct. The pandas’ new home features an outdoor play area and an indoor sleeping room with all-season air conditioning.
        According to Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin, as many as 6 million visitors are expected to visit the Taipei Zoo in 2009 in order to see the pandas. So, those wanting to catch a glimpse of these cute black-and-white bears should be prepared for long lines. The Taipei Zoo has already announced special extended visiting hours for the pandas’ first week’s public appearance. The zoo will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
        For those who don’t want to brave the crowds, the Taipei Zoo has set up a special website at http://www.zoo.gov.tw/panda/ to keep people updated about the pandas. The site features information in both Chinese and English. TV news has also been frequently showing footage of Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan as they adjust to their new environment in Taipei.
         So, despite all of the economic challenges to be faced in the year ahead, many people are happy to know that there is at least one thing to look forward to in 2009—the opportunity to see two cute and cuddly panda bears here in Taiwan for the first time.

Reading Comprehension
(   ) 1. When did the pandas arrive in Taiwan?
(A) December 23, 2008.
(B) December 26, 2008.
(C) January 23, 2009.
(D) January 26, 2009.
(   ) 2. Which of the following statements of the pandas’ new home is NOT correct?
(A) It is a three-story facility.
(B) It costs NT$300 million to build.
(C) It has an indoor sleeping room.
(D) It has a play area with air conditioning.
(   ) 3. If you are planning to see the pandas at the Taipei Zoo, which of the following situations would happen?
(A) Seeing the pandas without waiting in long lines.
(B) Seeing the pandas on Chinese New Year Eve.
(C) Entering the zoo at 9 a.m.
(D) Entering the zoo without buying tickets.
(   ) 4. What does the word “brave” mean in the fifth paragraph?
(A) Having courage.
(B) Dealing with the situation.
(C) Fighting.
(D) Being angry with the situation.
(   ) 5. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) It costs NT$6 million to build the pandas’ new home.
(B) It is expected that 300 million tourists will visit the Taipei Zoo for the pandas.
(C) The pandas have to be kept in quarantine for a month, starting from January 26.
(D) The pandas arrived in Taiwan on a special direct flight.

Vocabulary and Phrases
1.          tough [t^f] adj. 棘手的,困難的
2.          economic [&ik1`nAmIk] adj. 經濟的
3.          financial [f1`n8nS1l] adj. 財務的
4.          uncertainty [^n`s3tNtI] n. 不確定
5.          quarantine [`kwOr1n&tin] n. 隔離,檢疫
6.          debut [dI`bju] n. 首度公開露面,首度登台
7.          certainly [`s3tNlI] adv. 必定,無疑地
8.          sponsorship [`spAns2&SIp] n. 贊助
9.          facility [f1`sIl1tI] n. (供特定用途使用的) 場所,設備
10.      construct [k1n`str^kt] v. 建造
11.      air conditioning [Er k1n`dIS1nI9] n. 空調系統
12.      according to  根據…
 13.          glimpse [GlImps] n. 一瞥
14.          extended [Ik`stEndId] adj. 延長的
15.          website (= site) [`wEb&saIt] n. 網站
16.          update [^p`det] v. 更新 (資訊等)
17.          frequently [`frIkwEntlI] adv. 經常地
18.          footage [`f5tIdZ] n. (影片的) 連續鏡頭,片段
7.          adjust [1`dZ^st] v. 調整…以適應
8.          despite [dI`spaIt] prep. 儘管
9.          cuddly [`k^dlI] adj. 令人想擁抱的


2015年8月25日 星期二


推動中小學國際教育 教育部率團訪英取經

推動中小學國際教育 教育部率團訪英取經





 他表示,英國於2004年克拉克(Charles Clarke)擔任教育部長時推動國際教育,「將世界融入國際級教育」,目標包括:為孩子、青年及成人在全球社會生活及經濟工作中做好準備;參與國際夥伴合作,實現彼此的目標。

 劉慶仁表示,英國教育部與多數國家推動國際教育交流,成效良好,有幾項值得台灣借鏡的方法,包括:提供資訊科技合作,設立Global Gateway國際教育網站(www.globalgateway.org), 提供海外夥伴學校找尋服務;鼓勵學校與海外學校締結夥伴關係;校長國際訪問研習,專注學校領導主題;教師國際專業成長;舉辦國際教育週、「連結教室」(Connecting Classrooms)等。



第8屆智慧鐵人跨國際高中職創意競賽開跑 八年傳承與感恩 歐美亞菁英薈萃




今 年第6屆的國際邀請賽,國際隊伍除了德國、日本、新加坡、韓國,以及去年回鍋即奪走最佳隊呼的法國隊外,還有來自夏威夷的新面孔,這同時宣告鐵人的腳步往美洲版圖前進的一大步。夏威夷於去年時得知鐵人賽的競賽內容時,就積極表示將組隊來台,並透露未來有意以夏威夷為主要據點,辦理全美國性的初賽選拔、培訓學生參賽。有了新成員的加入,相信對於所有參賽者及其他國際隊伍都是一大激勵與挑戰! 智慧鐵人創意競賽不但擴張了國際賽版圖,更重要的,參賽的隊伍皆是歐、美、亞洲中最重視創造力的國家!



Articles, Determiners, and Quantifiers

the teacher, a college, a bit of honey, that person, those people, whatever purpose, either way, your choice
有時候這些字是在告訴讀者或聽者我們到底是在指特定的事物還是指一般的事物 (a barn, the garage out back);有時候它們是在告訴讀者或聽者數目多少或多少量 (lots of trees, several books, a great deal of confusion)。對以英語為母語的寫作者來說,如何適當地挑選名詞或名詞片語前面的冠詞或限定詞,通常不是問題;但對非英語系國家 (尤其是東歐及亞洲國家) 的寫作者而言,這可能是他們邁向精通英語之路的一大障礙。事實上,許多非英語系國家的寫作者往往在英文其他各個層面駕輕就熟多年之後,仍然被這些「輕薄短小」的字搞得一個頭兩個大。
與冠詞一樣,量詞 (quantifiers) 也是放在名詞前面並修飾名詞的字。它們告訴我們「多少」(how many or how much)。如何挑選正確的的量詞,端視你對可數名詞與不可數名詞之區別的瞭解程度而定。我們以可數名詞 trees 和不可數名詞 dancing 來做說明:

many trees
a few trees
few trees
several trees
a couple of trees
none of the trees
not much dancing
a little dancing
little dancing
a bit of dancing
a good deal of dancing
a great deal of dancing
no dancing
all of the trees/dancing
some trees/dancing
most of the trees/dancing
enough trees/dancing
a lot of trees/dancing
lots of trees/dancing
plenty of trees/dancing
a lack of trees/dancing
在正式學術文章的寫作中,使用 many 和 much 通常優於 a lot of, lots of 和 plenty of 等片語。
"a little" 和 "little" (用在不可數名詞)之間以及"a few" 和 "few" (用在可數名詞) 之間有很大的不同。如果我說 "Tashonda has a little experience in management." 這意思是說雖然 Tashonda 沒有專家級的經驗,但她還是有些經驗,而該些經驗可能已足夠我們的要求。如果我說 "Tashonda haslittle experience in management." 這意思是說 Tashonda 沒有足夠的經驗。如果我說 "Charlie owns a few books on Latin American literature." 這意思是說 Charlie 有一些書 -- 不是很多書,但可能已足供我們參考。如果我說 "Charlie owns few books on Latin American literature." 這意思是說他的書不夠我們做參考,我們最好上圖書館。
除非與 of 連用,否則 "much" 這個量詞都用在疑問句和否定句:
  • Much of the snow has already melted.
  • How much snow fell yesterday?
  • Not much.
注意:"most of the" 這個量詞在修飾特定名詞時必須包括定冠詞 the,不管該名詞可數或不可數:"most of the instructors at this college have a doctorate"; "most of the water has evaporated." 然而,若為普通複數名詞,亦即不是指特定的實體,那麼 "of the" 被省略:
  • Most colleges have their own admissions policy.
  • Most students apply to several colleges.
不定冠詞有時跟量詞 many 連用,因而形成一種將複數量詞與單數名詞結合在一起的情況 (後面接單數動詞):
  • Many a young man has fallen in love with her golden hair.
  • Many an apple has fallen by October.
這種結構帶有一點文學味道 (有些人則說是一種索然、陳腐的味道),所以若不能完全不用,最好也應少用。
三個冠詞 -- a, an, the -- 都是形容詞。the 叫做定冠詞 (definite article),因為它明確地指出名詞;a 和 an 叫做不定冠詞 (indefinite articles),因為它們未明確指出名詞。這些字也叫做名詞限定詞 (noun determiners),因為它們的後面跟著名詞。
注意!即使在你學會了這些冠詞的所有應用規則之後,你仍會發現有許多情況你不知道在何處使用正確的冠詞或是否使用冠詞。Icy highways are dangerous. The icy highways are dangerous. 兩句都正確。
The 係放在特定名詞的前面。當名詞是同類中的唯一時, 我們須使用 the
The moon circles the earth.
當名詞指的是理論上的事物時, 我們須使用 the
The United States has encouraged the use of the private automobile as opposed to the use of public transit.
當名詞指的是文章中先前已提到的事物時, 我們須使用 the (參見下面的首次提及與後續的提及)。
不定冠詞 a 係放在第一個字母為子音的單數可數名詞的前面 (a cow, a barn, a sheep),而 an 則放在第一個字母為母音或發音類似母音的單數可數名詞的前面 (an apple, an urban blight, an open door)。第一個字母為 h 而且發 h 音的字通常使用 a (如 a horse, a history book, a hotel),但如果一個 h 字的開頭是發真正的母音,則使用 an (如 an hour, an honor)。我們要說  a useful device 和 a union matter,因為這些字的 u 實際上是發 yoo 的音 (相較於 an ugly incident  u)。我們要說 a once-in-a-lifetime experience 或 a one-time hero 因為 once 和 one 的開頭是發 w 的音。
韋氏字典 (Webster's Dictionary) 說我們可以在第一音節為弱音節 (非重音節) 的 h 字前面使用 an。因此,我們可以說 an hisTORical moment,但我們要說 a HIStory book。許多寫作者稱這是一種嬌飾而比較喜歡使用 a historical,但顯然地,這種選擇應該是視個人的喜好而定。
縮寫與頭字語的冠詞問題 (a or an FBI agent?)請參考縮寫
A newspaper has an obligation to seek out and tell the truth.
There are situations, however, when the newspaper must determine whether the public's safety is jeopardized by knowing the truth.
"I'd like a glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put the glass of juice on the counter already," Shiela replied.
"I'd like a big glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put a big glass of juice on the counter already," Shiela replied.
總稱 (generic) 的提及:我們可以使用三個冠詞中的任一個來提及某事物的總稱。完全省略冠詞也可以表達相同的意思。
  • A beagle makes a great hunting dog and family companion.
  • An airedale is sometimes a rather skittish animal.
  • The golden retriever is a marvelous pet for children.
  • Irish setters are not the highly intelligent animals they used to be.
總稱不定代名詞與一般不定代名詞之間的差異,在於後者是指該種類中的任一個 ("I want to buy a beagle, and any old beagle will do.")而前者 (見 第一句 A beagle ...) 是指該種類的全部。
  • 地名:the Sound, the Sea of Japan, the Mississippi, the West, the Smokies, the Sahara
  • 複數化的地名、姓氏 (家族) 和球隊名稱:the Netherlands, the Bahamas, the Hamptons, the Johnsons, the New England Patriots
  • 公共機構 (社會或教育事業機構)/設施/團體組織:the Wadsworth Atheneum, the Sheraton, the House, the Presbyterian Church
  • 報紙:the Hartford Courant, the Times
  • 後面接以 "of" 做開頭的介系詞片語的名詞:the leader of the gang, the president of our club
零冠詞:有數種名詞從不加冠詞。語言的名稱不加冠詞 ("He was learning Chinese." -- 但當 Chinese 這個字指的是中國人時,定冠詞就要登場了:"The Chinese are hoping to get the next Olympics."),體育運動的名稱也不加冠詞 ("She plays badminton and basketball."),學術科目亦是零冠詞 ("She's taking economics and math. Her major is Religious Studies.")。
當不可數名詞及(有時)複數可數名詞為總稱名詞時,它們不加冠詞:"We like wine with our dinner. We adore Baroque music. We use roses for many purposes." 但如果名詞的後面接 "of 片語",那麼要加冠詞:"We adore the music of the Baroque." 再者,當某一不加冠詞的總稱名詞在後續的提及中被提到時,它將變成特定的名詞,須加定冠詞:"The Data Center installed computers in the Learning Center this summer. The computers, unfortunately, don't work."。
使用 be 和 go 的成語We'll go by train. (相對於 "We'll take the train.)
He must be in school.
社會或教育事業機構He's in church/college/jail/class.
季節In spring, we like to clean the house.
三餐Breakfast was delicious.
He's preparing dinner by himself.
疾病He's dying of pneumonia.
Appendicitis nearly killed him.
She has cancer
(你有時會聽到或看到 "the measles" 和 "the mumps",但這些複數型當單數用的疾病名稱也可以不加冠詞。)
時間We traveled mostly by night.
We'll be there around midnight.
我們可以簡要的定義,限定詞就是一種名詞標記 (noun-marker):當你看到限定詞時,你就知道後面接的是名詞或名詞片語。零冠詞的意思是,某些名詞不適合加任何冠詞或那些名詞在上下文中可以不加冠詞。
注意:「強調的、重讀的」some 或 any 與「非強調的、弱讀的」some 或 any 之間是有差別的。將下面句子中的 some 和 any 視為喊叫字,你就可以聽出這兩者之間的不同:
  • That is SOME car you've got there!
  • I don't want to hear ANY excuse!
  • We have some cars left in the lot.
  • Isn't there any furniture in the living room?
就弱讀的 some 和 any 通常所修飾的字而言,它們不修飾單數可數名詞。


Definitions of Basic Sentence Parts

在定義句子的構件之前,我們有必要先定義句子的本身。一個句子是一組包含一個主詞和敘述語 (見下面的定義) 的字。有時主詞「不言可喻」,如命令句 "[You] go next door  and get a cup of sugar." 這意謂最短的句子可能像這樣:"Go!" 一個句子必須表達一項可以獨立存在的意思。句子亦根據功能來定義:敘述句 (declarative -- 99% 的句子均屬之)、疑問句 (interrogative -- 問問題的句子: "What's your name?")、驚嘆句 (exclamatory -- "There's a fire in the kitchen!") 和祈使句 (imperative -- "Don't drink that!")
  • 獨立片語 (Absolute Phrase):我們有一頁專門討論片語,包括獨立片語
  • 形容詞 (Adjectives):我們有一頁專門討論形容詞
  • 副詞 (Adverbs):我們有一頁專門討論副詞
  • 冠詞 (Articles):我們有一頁專門討論冠詞及其他限定詞 (determiners)
  • 子句 (Clauses):按這裡一下前往專門討論子句的一頁。
  • 連接詞 (Conjunctions):我們有一頁專門討論連接詞
  • 直接與間接受詞 (Direct and Indirect Objects):直接受詞是句子中動作的接受者,如   "He hit the ball." 中的 ball。我們必須分辨直接受詞與受詞補語 (object complement) 的不同:
    They named their daughter Susan.
    在這個句子中,"daughter" 是直接受詞,而 "Susan" 為受詞補語,用來敘述直接受詞。
    間接受詞是用來指示動詞之動作執行的對象 (人、物)。直接受詞與間接受詞是不同的人、物或地。在下面的句子中,直接受詞以粗體表示,間接受詞以斜體表示:
    The instructor gave his students A's.
    Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money.
    Brenda sold me her boat.
    順便一提的是,me 這個字並非總是做為間接受詞;它也可以當作直接受詞:
    Bless me!
    Contact me if you have questions.
    在英語中,名詞被用做直接受詞或間接受詞時,其型態不會改變,與其他語言的情況一樣。冠詞或與其連接的形容詞亦不會改變型態。A radio is on the desk 和 I stole a radio 使用完全相同的字型來做完全不同的功能。然而,代名詞的情況則不然:代名詞使用不同的型態來做不同的功能。
  • 感嘆詞 (Interjections):是指用來表示驚訝、抗議、命令、恐怖或喜、怒、哀、樂等情緒的字或片語。它們有時獨立存在,但通常被包含在較大的句子結構中。
    • Wow! I won the lottery!
    • Oh, I don't know about that.
    • I don't know what the heck you're talking about.
    • No, you shouldn't have done that.

  • 修飾語 (Modifiers):修飾語不是形容詞就是副詞。請參見專門討論修飾語的一頁以免放錯修飾語的位置。
  • 名詞 (Nouns):我們有一頁專門討論名詞
  • (敘)述語 (Predicates):在一個句子中,主詞是句子所敘述的對象,而述語是句子的敘述內容,即動詞、修飾語、受詞、補語等。敘述語可以僅為一意思完整的動詞:
    The big bell tolled.
    The sun went behind the cloud.
    He finally landed the big fish.
    The oldest member is usually the first to go.
  • 介系詞 (Prepositions):我們有一頁專門討論介系詞
  • 代名詞 (Pronouns):我們有一頁專門討論代名詞
  • 主詞 (Subjects):人、事、物、地或一個句子的觀念都可以當作主詞。如果你能找到句子的動詞,自然就可找到主詞。簡單主詞 (simple subject) 乃是不含任何修飾語的句子的主詞。下列句子的簡單主詞為 issue
    The really important issue of the conference, stripped of all other
    considerations, is the morality of the nation.
    不過,有時簡單主詞可以是整個子句。在下面的句子中,簡單主詞既不是 "computer repair",也不是 "what he had forgotten" ,更不是 "he"。整個加底線的子句才是簡單主詞:
    What he had already forgotten about computer repair could fill whole
    在英語中,一項命命或建議的主詞 -- you -- 通常省略,因為它「不言可喻」。
    • [You] Step lively there or I'll leave you behind.
    • Before assembling the swingset, [you] read these instructions  carefully.
  • 動詞與動狀詞 (Verbs and Verbals):我們有一頁專門討論動詞與動狀詞